Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty Class-Aug 28

Posted: Aug 15 in Dive Blog, Latest News tagged by Jan

Scuba divers like to be neutrally buoyant so they neither sink nor float.  It can be a tricky thing.  Divers who’ve mastered the highest performance levels in buoyancy stand apart.  You’ve seen them in the water: they glide effortlessly,  use less air, and ascend, descend or hover almost without thought.  They interact gently with aquatic life and have little or no affect on their surroundings.  With a little coaching and practice, you too can be that diver.

The Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty Class gives divers of all levels an opportunity to build a solid foundation of buoyancy, balance, trim, and weighting skills which are the keys to fun and effortless diving. You will also be introduced to new propulsion and positioning techniques.   The class consists of two open water dives with on site information exchanges.  Tuition is $100 plus manual.  Prerequisites: open water or Jr open water certification.

If you only take one class this year, let it be this one.  Sign up today!



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